At blarlo we offer professional translations into 300 different languages. Each project will be dealt with by professional translators who are experts in the industry and native speakers of the target language. Order translations of documents or texts at the best price. Don’t hesitate to request the professional translation of your texts and documents.


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0.1 € / per word


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* The following file types are supported: docx, docm, dotx, dotm, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm, pptx, pptm, ppsx, ppsm, potx, potm, odp, otp, ods, ots, odt, ott, htm, html, xhtml, md, markdown, xlf, xliff, sdlxliff, po, ttx, txml, xini, mif, idml, icml, dita, csv, tsv, xml, dtd, json, yaml, php, properties, ts, resx, wix, strings, srt, vtt, sbv, txt, pdf, pages, key, numbers, doc, dot, xls, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, rtf, bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg, tif, and tiff.
- or -

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  • A website
  • An app
  • A book
  • Review
  • A certified translation
  • Others
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